Hi, I'm Nduduzo Shabalala.

I'm one of those developers who signed a life-long contract with endless learning.

Who am I


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My Work

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I build one size fit all products with mobile-first approach

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Progressive Web Apps

Bringing native app functionality to the web with PWAs?

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Fullstack JavaScript

Fullstack JS web apps powered by the awesome MERN Stack

01. Blog Post Finder

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A web app to search for tech blogs (articles). This App uses the basic web tech stack which is HTML, CSS3 (SCSS) and Javascript. The searching of blog (articles) is achieved with the help of Google's Programmable Search Engine JSON API.

02. Chat Application

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This is a awesome chat application made with the MERN Stack. This app features the great features of react. From hooks to state management with React Context API. All of the code is in JavaScript ES6. In the backend it is powered by express and MongoDB to bring user Authentication. I made use of Pusher to make it a realtime chatting app. This was also a pair programming project

03. Spotify Clone

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This is a full frontend build using the latest technolgy from react. There is react hooks and the React Context API. With the help of the spotify-web-api-js library this beccamee a fully functional clone of the spotify app. The authentication is handled by spotify and the user is redirected back to the app once authenticated.

04. Amazon Clone

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This one is a full firebase application. It utilises authentication from firebase and the user data is stored in firebase's firestore. This was to implement a simple yet powerful e-commerce functionality. This app has full basket functionality. The state of the app is managed with the React Context API(similar to Redux just a bit less powerful).


Get in touch and let's talk.